Young Bill Emory is a typical mischievous, rambunctious boy, but his father William is a strict disciplinarian, and Bill is constantly being punished for simple childhood transgressions. Finally Bill can take no more of his father's excessive punishments and runs away. Complications ensue.
Release Date: March 07, 1931
November 19, 1980
December 14, 1984
June 19, 1998
November 01, 2001
March 05, 1974
October 27, 1955
September 02, 1999
September 04, 1968
June 22, 1962
October 12, 2005
February 14, 2005
February 01, 1998
December 25, 2003
May 04, 2000
December 07, 2000
January 19, 2001
July 05, 1996
March 07, 2003
September 23, 2005
December 27, 1926