'Three's Company', the comedy centered on two attractive, young women who made the rent on their Santa Monica beach-side apartment by taking in a third roommate - a male forced to pretend he's gay to fool the landlords and the girls' parents. The series rocketed in the ratings as an instant hit - despite the outcry of critics and moralists - who objected to the double-entendres and quasi-sexual hijinks on the show. However, the true behind-the-scenes story of 'Three's Company' will expose a once idyllic workplace that deteriorated into a battleground beset by business dealings, contact disputes, cast rivalries, clashes between producers and network executives and finally, a round of cast replacements which hastened the demise of the show.
Release Date: May 05, 2003
July 07, 1964
August 25, 2000
December 31, 2001
March 11, 2004
July 18, 2006
February 03, 1995
February 10, 2003
May 07, 2008
July 13, 2001
March 08, 1996
July 02, 2003
July 23, 1999
May 21, 2007
August 28, 2020
January 11, 2007
May 30, 1996
August 08, 2002
March 17, 2006
March 30, 2017
January 16, 1998