In 1987, teenage martial artist Ryo Hazuki arrives in Wan Chai, Hong Kong from Japan on the trail of his father's killer, Lan Di, of the criminal Chi You Men organization. He searches for Master Lishao Tao, the only link to the whereabouts of Yuanda Zhu, a martial arts expert who sent Ryo's father a letter warning him of Lan Di's intentions. When Ryo finds Tao, whose real name is Xiuying Hong, she refuses to help, considering his quest for vengeance reckless. The two part ways, but Xiuying continues to monitor Ryo's progress.
Release Date: December 07, 2016
June 10, 2005
April 26, 1954
June 19, 1992
December 10, 1977
January 25, 1969
July 28, 2003
July 14, 2005
November 18, 1959
November 21, 2003
December 04, 1974
February 23, 2006
June 27, 1997
October 10, 2003
July 22, 2002
July 09, 1982
May 04, 2000
July 06, 2000
December 07, 1982
April 30, 1989
March 24, 2015