The TARDIS arrives on the planet Marinus on an island of glass surrounded by a sea of acid. The travellers are forced by the elderly Arbitan to retrieve four of the five operating keys to a machine called the Conscience of Marinus, of which he is the keeper. These have been hidden in different locations around the planet to prevent them falling into the hands of the evil Yartek and his Voord warriors, who plan to seize the machine and use its originally benevolent mind-influencing power for their own sinister purposes.
Release Date: May 16, 1964
July 03, 1991
July 02, 2003
May 25, 1990
November 22, 1996
December 11, 1998
May 21, 2008
October 26, 1984
February 27, 2004
July 03, 1985
June 12, 1987
January 19, 2001
October 10, 2018
June 08, 2019
December 29, 1995
June 13, 2005
December 13, 1996
October 07, 2023
July 04, 2017
July 25, 2001
February 07, 1968