Following on from the story of Hell's Highway, the series reaches the battle to seize the great Bridges over two of Europe's largest water ways; the Maas and the Waal at Nijmegen. Here the 82nd US airborne were, as elsewhere, denied coup de main attacks to seize the bridges by the air commanders. While the Grave Bridge was captured, confusion in US orders meant that the barely defended bridge in Nijmegen was only attacked when the Germans had taken the opportunity to reinforce the garrison. The resulting battle to regain control of the situation is an epic of Anglo-American military history. This programme tells the story of the amazing courage of the American and British soldiers who won this battle against desperate odds.
Release Date: August 22, 2012
June 26, 1962
September 19, 1956
March 07, 2003
August 07, 1987
July 04, 1996
February 15, 2002
October 21, 1959
June 15, 1967
October 18, 1997
October 11, 1941
June 14, 2002
October 10, 2008
June 22, 1970
August 12, 2005
June 27, 1998
February 28, 1998
December 23, 1998
September 27, 1941
November 06, 2020