In this magical movie, an overseas Filipino worker named Badong Bulaong (Robin Padilla) returns in the country after working in the Middle East. Upon his arrival, he was swindled of his belongings and was only left with a bottle he picked up in Saudi as a souvenir. To top it all, he discovered that his girlfriend has fallen in love with a basketball player. In his despair, he threw the bottle to the wall and from there came out a genie named Jeannie (Judy Ann Santos). And just like in fairy tales, he was entitled to three wishes.
Release Date: October 23, 2002
September 19, 1997
February 24, 1952
February 21, 1990
July 10, 1987
October 12, 1990
September 29, 2002
December 25, 2007
April 13, 2004
April 01, 1944
July 17, 1996
February 19, 1940
September 19, 1941
March 12, 1999
December 03, 2016
May 22, 2019
March 03, 1961
December 23, 1986
February 23, 1940
November 18, 1994
December 15, 2023