Bill, a jet pilot hero from the Korean War, returns home with intentions of marrying his sweetheart, Doris. But Doris has inherited a million dollars and Bill won't marry her because he dreams of a home and babies, with himself as the sole source of income on his $65 a week. Doris has to find a way to make him change his mind.
Release Date: September 22, 1953
January 01, 1912
August 16, 2013
July 07, 1980
July 24, 1979
March 13, 1988
January 01, 2003
June 06, 1962
December 17, 2002
August 21, 1980
March 25, 2005
March 26, 2015
November 15, 2008
February 25, 1953
July 02, 1980
July 09, 1939
October 28, 2007
May 05, 1979
December 02, 1969
August 10, 1990
December 16, 1941