Following a winning game, a young man finds himself at the head of the harem of an oriental prince who has seven wives. One of them escapes, replaced by the young girl her family wants the young partygoer to marry. Everything ends in songs and as desired.
Release Date: February 23, 1949
August 10, 1960
May 07, 2008
December 05, 1959
September 20, 2023
December 14, 1988
August 17, 2001
October 03, 2014
May 19, 1998
December 20, 1996
December 13, 2013
July 12, 1970
December 31, 2004
August 16, 2002
November 06, 2001
June 20, 2003
May 10, 1946
January 01, 1996
July 01, 1966
June 26, 2004
July 18, 2002