Escaping from a policeman who has caught with a stolen dog, Toto (Albert Préjean), a petty crook, hides in the apartment of a typist, Ginette (Renée Saint-Cyr). The two quickly fall in love, and after a brief incarceration, Toto returns to her and schemes to have her win a beauty contest.
Release Date: September 21, 1933
August 26, 1999
December 18, 1982
December 07, 1982
March 05, 1987
August 22, 1997
January 20, 1998
December 26, 2001
June 10, 1996
December 06, 2002
February 04, 2008
January 31, 1996
May 27, 2005
January 01, 1979
March 13, 1992
October 22, 2003
August 05, 1987
December 16, 1975
February 14, 1979
January 01, 1983
January 17, 2004