The movie tells the story of Matilda, an old woman that has to fight against a real-estate mogul in order to save her house. Tanase is a ruthless businessman who built his fortune on scamming people and evicting them from their homes. When he wants to kick Matilda out of her house, his luck comes to an end as the seemingly nice old lady manages to defend her property.
Release Date: April 19, 2013
January 24, 2014
April 17, 1986
November 17, 1997
September 17, 2008
March 19, 1959
February 10, 1985
July 24, 1998
August 16, 1999
June 11, 2003
July 14, 2017
June 02, 1969
February 10, 2004
June 01, 2005
June 09, 1994
March 17, 2016
January 01, 1976
August 30, 2002
October 20, 1995
October 26, 2007
January 01, 1980