Wild Bill Hickock (William Elliott), aka The Peaceable Man, meters out justice in the tough town of Deadwood in this highly fictional western from Columbia. Unlike the historic character, Elliott's gunfighter survives his encounter with the South Dakota hellhole, where he arrives to aid beleaguered livery stable owner Clint Wilson (Richard Fiske) and his sister, Madge (Dorothy Fay), in their battle against self-appointed town czar "Flash" Kirby (Arthur Loft). But before he gets that far, there is a little matter of proving Kirby guilty of wrongdoing and to achieve that, Wild Bill earns the enmity of both the Wilsons.
Release Date: March 30, 1941
March 18, 1969
March 18, 1959
May 20, 1994
December 22, 1970
November 22, 1968
August 15, 1940
June 28, 1985
November 25, 1994
November 15, 1950
February 09, 2004
December 12, 1968
March 11, 1943
February 15, 1937
October 28, 1949
April 30, 1954
September 06, 2007
April 12, 1968
April 20, 1966
November 26, 1965
October 17, 1946