In Blythe, California, a small town in the remote California desert, Ethan Inglebrink is an eccentric, agoraphobic heroin addict who is obsessed with his garden. This dark comedy follows the last days of Ethan's life as he struggles to find purpose at a time when it might be too late to even matter.
Release Date: July 24, 2009
February 11, 2011
March 09, 2007
February 20, 2009
September 10, 1994
April 02, 1993
December 14, 1969
March 24, 2023
January 01, 1998
April 01, 2001
May 03, 1990
September 05, 2015
March 22, 2017
March 18, 2014
October 30, 2015
December 02, 2016
March 10, 1969
April 10, 2009
November 17, 2001
October 01, 2015
August 04, 1982