This pre-Code comedy-thriller centers on Robert Holden, a broke and discouraged veteran, who meets fellow American Elinor Green at a cafe in Paris. After their first encounter, Holden's attempt to return Green's thought-to-be stolen purse ends up rendering him a stowaway on board a ship bound for America. Also aboard is a collection of characters, including Green's banker fiancé, a famed scientist, and an opera singer. Romance begins to blossom between Holden and Green, just as a radiogram claims that an “infernal machine,” or bomb, is aboard the ship. Quickly each passenger accuses the others of planting the bomb until eventually Holden, jealous of Green's attention to her undeserving fiancé, falsely admits to being the culprit. In his role as assumed perpetrator, Holden tests the group further.
Release Date: April 08, 1933
May 10, 1931
March 20, 1932
January 14, 1932
June 07, 2005
August 06, 1932
March 08, 1948
April 09, 1943
January 15, 1960
February 13, 2004
September 01, 1932
February 03, 2023
May 25, 1934
April 22, 2015
June 28, 2004
September 10, 2022
March 09, 1972
October 18, 2013
November 14, 1997
December 25, 1993
June 05, 2008