Topper is once again tormented by a fun-loving spirit. This time, it's Gail Richards, accidentally murdered while vacationing at the home of her wealthy friend, Ann Carrington, the intended victim. With Topper's help, Gail sets out to find her killer with the expected zany results.
Release Date: March 21, 1941
June 06, 1935
December 14, 1984
October 25, 2004
August 01, 1991
September 01, 1944
March 17, 2006
March 23, 1940
April 26, 2002
July 13, 1990
June 29, 1971
February 27, 2004
August 25, 1957
February 28, 2013
October 18, 2002
March 11, 2005
November 01, 2001
May 17, 2006
July 01, 1959
April 16, 1999
July 13, 2005