Annie (Shanthi Krishna) is an outgoing, unconventional girl who was brought up liberally by her father. She has two men in her life, Manu (Rony Vincent) and Ananthu (Venu Nagavalli). She is more intellectually attached to Ananthu, but has more of a jovial relationship with Manu. Manu is threatened by her closeness to Ananthu and confronts Annie.
Release Date: July 09, 1982
October 29, 1963
January 15, 1943
February 01, 1998
January 01, 2002
October 26, 2005
May 19, 1936
October 29, 1989
February 14, 2014
October 01, 2010
December 21, 2023
April 12, 1986
August 05, 1964
November 22, 2002
December 21, 1988
January 24, 1972
May 30, 2007
November 04, 1927
April 16, 1971
May 20, 1996
February 14, 2023