Hiroshima, summer of 1945. A young girl named Nobuko saves a starving kitten from crows. She wants to keep the kitten, but her parents dismiss the idea. Nobuko eventually convinces them to let her keep it. She and her brother Makoto name the cat Kuro. Kuro quickly brings joy and laughter to the family. As World War II takes its toll on Japan, it becomes harder for Nobuko and her family to care for Kuro. One August morning, Kuro begins acting strangely...
Release Date: June 04, 1990
June 28, 1963
November 01, 1996
December 10, 2004
January 27, 1985
May 14, 1943
May 02, 2019
August 15, 2003
October 22, 2016
January 01, 2011
January 31, 1992
December 13, 2016
August 01, 2015
August 17, 1974
June 12, 1998
November 10, 2015
October 25, 1998
October 23, 1998
October 03, 1957
May 13, 1995
September 22, 2007