Adapted from the successful play, the film takes place in 19th-century Japan, where a war between demons and their slayers is fought. Izumo, a kabuki actor with a demon-slaying past, meets and falls in love with Tsubaki. However, something is not right, as mysterious marks appear on her body as time progresses. At the same time, it is announced that Ashura, the queen of all demons, will be resurrected and bring destruction to the universe.
Release Date: April 16, 2005
October 01, 1977
December 04, 1950
December 19, 1986
January 01, 1982
June 28, 1978
November 12, 1998
December 14, 2006
February 12, 1931
December 20, 2007
February 21, 2007
November 06, 1967
October 23, 1971
September 26, 2016
March 31, 2011
April 05, 1945
October 09, 1935
June 24, 2008
August 05, 1943
October 27, 1939