The movie revolves around a village in northern Kerala where political murders happen and In such one incident a guy is murdered mistaking him to be someone else. The families of both are left stranded and the film takes us through the incidents that happen to the children of both the family.
Release Date: March 17, 2017
October 28, 2016
February 14, 1991
March 08, 1996
September 19, 1984
October 13, 1995
May 23, 1984
December 31, 2005
October 05, 2022
October 08, 1991
August 25, 2012
October 25, 2004
June 22, 1954
November 18, 1959
September 12, 1990
February 14, 1997
January 01, 1932
March 19, 2004
July 28, 2017
November 06, 2013
July 03, 1968