The young monk Taka and his three disciples are captured by a demonic tree. Taka manages to escape thanks to the magic stick of Monkey King and decided to go free his companions. En route, he encounters a strange ally called Meiyan, a girl who is half-human and half monster. As Taka and his new friend set off on a fantastic adventure they will face many hardships and battles and may very well decide the fate of humanity and the entire universe...
Release Date: December 22, 2005
December 21, 1988
May 13, 1995
July 05, 1991
February 10, 2004
December 22, 2001
June 26, 1987
June 25, 1982
March 31, 1983
September 15, 1972
September 28, 1971
January 29, 2008
June 01, 1998
September 21, 2007
October 17, 1973
March 14, 1975
June 08, 1984
July 28, 1978
March 20, 1974
April 28, 1971
February 07, 1974