In 2018, a city boy named Ludovico discovers he has had a previous life and to be reincarnated. Shortly thereafter, through various flashback, he learns that in 1815, the emperor Napoléon Bonaparte entrusted him an important missive able to upset the course of history.
Release Date: September 08, 2018
November 14, 2003
October 13, 1997
October 12, 1932
October 07, 1998
April 10, 1951
March 22, 1991
March 01, 1957
April 15, 1962
April 08, 2001
December 22, 2010
May 05, 1993
May 25, 1994
November 02, 2008
January 05, 2003
October 12, 2003
June 01, 1994
June 08, 1994
April 01, 1995
April 26, 1995
May 01, 1996