In 2047, an unknown, alien lifeform descends upon the Earth, destroying all the major cities in one fell swoop. The survivors unite and build a Diffusor to stop the Februus, the invaders the military would later codename the FOS, and a temporary peace is achieved. Jump forward to 2053, the present. A last, desperate counterattack is being mounted against the enemy. Hiroshi Akishima, soldier in the Planetary Defense Forces Alliance, would like nothing better than a shot at the aliens responsible for his father's death six years ago. However, the new offensive requires the Diffusor to be dropped, leaving the entire planet terribly vulnerable once more. Will humanity regain the stars or lose everything in the final, ultimate gamble?
Release Date: May 22, 2010
January 14, 2023
March 24, 2023
September 01, 1985
May 01, 2015
October 15, 2022
June 27, 2012
June 07, 2012
March 15, 2011
June 29, 2019
January 06, 2022
August 09, 1998
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May 30, 2012
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January 27, 2016
January 01, 1973
November 25, 2023
March 01, 2024
July 02, 2020
May 26, 2001