Set in 1978, "The Uncle Gerry Show" chronicles the chaos of the most successful regional late night entertainer. Gerry Rocco is adored by all. His manager Donnie books the hottest acts of the 1960's and 1970's. Gerry struggles dealing with the temptations of fame, the time period, and a business run with his family, as a budding Italian film director captures the reality of Uncle Gerry's life. In the pilot episode John Lennon and Yoko Ono go head to head with Uncle Gerry.
Release Date: May 06, 2017
August 10, 1960
June 06, 2003
February 09, 2007
August 19, 1988
December 16, 1987
September 18, 2007
December 08, 1978
May 08, 1998
December 16, 1992
September 10, 1974
April 24, 2003
December 25, 1963
January 18, 1991
October 22, 2023
May 10, 1996
November 26, 1965
November 17, 2022
December 02, 2022
June 05, 2022
June 10, 2000