Hosted by Orson Welles, this documentary utilizes a grab bag of dramatized scenes, stock footage, TV news clips and interviews to ask: Did 16th century French astrologer and physician Nostradamus actually predict such events as the fall of King Louis XVI, the rise of Napoleon, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? And are there prophecies that have yet to come true?
Release Date: January 09, 1981
March 01, 2019
October 20, 2009
Invalid Date
December 01, 2025
January 25, 2002
January 18, 1973
June 21, 1951
December 11, 1993
May 09, 1942
April 18, 2014
October 22, 1965
January 01, 1995
April 28, 2014
January 01, 1982
June 05, 1999
May 25, 1962
February 18, 2017
September 29, 1993
May 30, 1998
March 31, 2013