This French slapstick comedy stars the musician/comedian foursome Les Charlots, as valets to the Four Musketeers. One of the film's highlights is a mutual kicking session between Cardinal Richelieu, the King, and a monk. This comedy foursome was enormously popular in 1970s France, and they made a huge number of films during that period.
Release Date: February 13, 1974
December 14, 1984
April 22, 1953
April 26, 2002
June 29, 1971
June 27, 1973
December 01, 1972
November 07, 1997
June 20, 1975
March 30, 1990
August 17, 1979
January 26, 1994
July 13, 2005
December 18, 2001
December 18, 2002
December 17, 2003
August 30, 2000
July 06, 2000
October 20, 1933
April 02, 1968
June 13, 2005