Canadian director Catherine Annau's debut work is a documentary about the legacy of Pierre Trudeau, the long-running Prime Minister of Canada, who governed during the 1970s. The film focuses particularly on Trudeau's goal of creating a thoroughly bilingual nation. Annau interviews eight people in their mid-30s on both sides of the linguistic divide. One tells of her life growing up in a community of hard-core Quebec separatists, while another, a yuppie from Toronto, recalls believing as a child that people in Montreal got drunk and had sex all day long. Annau has all of the interviewees discuss how Trudeau's policies affected their lives and their perceptions of the other side, in this issue that strikes to the heart of Canada's national identity.
Release Date: September 20, 1999
May 30, 2004
October 09, 2016
October 05, 2010
January 31, 2017
April 29, 1995
January 02, 1994
April 26, 2016
August 30, 2024
January 19, 2016
December 17, 2014
July 06, 2016
November 18, 2016
November 13, 2017
September 25, 2010
April 15, 2023
January 01, 2007
April 28, 2022
February 27, 1983
January 01, 2011
January 01, 1998