Wet Gold is the story of a young woman (Laura), who works as a waitress in a cafe. Laura stumbles across a drunk elderly man (Sampson), who fills her with exciting stories of a boat that went down with millions in gold. Although Laura's boyfriend (Barnes), keeps telling her that Sampson's stories are all false, Sampson makes her believe that they are indeed true. Laura takes Sampson to a library, where she finds an old newspaper article which matches up with the events described to her by him. After becoming a true believer, Laura convinces Barnes, Sampson and a dive shop owner, Keating, to search for the treasure. Together they set off from Key West in the Baker's boat, which Barnes is supposed to be looking after. Keating shows a liking for Laura, and because of this, Barnes begins to feel uncomfortable towards him. After spending some time in the water, their dreams become reality, but the discovery of gold begins to show a change in their personalities...
Release Date: October 28, 1984
March 18, 1969
April 16, 1992
October 24, 1993
April 12, 2014
May 24, 1967
May 18, 1993
February 07, 2024
August 29, 1958
October 29, 1963
December 31, 2001
October 13, 1995
June 25, 2006
September 21, 1990
July 09, 1939
October 14, 2005
October 18, 1966
October 29, 2004
December 15, 1955
January 01, 1984
December 04, 1974