In this action-packed thriller, ex-cop Joey Randall (Richard Grieco) suddenly finds his affair with Sharon Moreno (Priscilla Barnes), wife of Police Chief George Moreno (John Saxon), has turned deadly. Randall discovers her lifeless body in a pool of blood, never suspecting he'll be blamed and his life will be turned into a chaotic tailspin! As the re-election campaign for Mayor Richardson (Corbin Bernsen) draws near, the Chief's right hand man, Captain James (Martin Kove), recruits two assassins to go after Randall. With no memory of the night of the murder, Randall turns to an old love and goes from being the hunted to the determined hunter in a desperate search for the truth and FINAL PAYBACK!
Release Date: April 24, 2001
May 01, 1988
July 07, 1977
September 09, 1993
December 14, 1971
June 29, 1985
July 30, 1993
November 25, 1944
November 12, 1998
December 24, 1981
August 08, 1997
May 01, 2005
January 01, 2005
March 19, 1999
April 19, 1984
October 01, 1989
February 21, 1973
October 22, 2014
December 14, 1985
September 08, 2002
August 04, 1995