Nada, named after a gang of Spanish anarchists, is a small, confused band of French terrorists. They kidnap the American ambassador after one of his regular visits to an exclusive brothel. The gang starts to quarrel amongst themselves as to the diplomat's fate, while the police purge suspects in their attempts to destroy the Nada faction. As the violence escalates on both sides, the States and the terrorists are forced to use one another's methods in an increasingly desperate and relentless conflict.
Release Date: February 06, 1974
November 09, 1984
March 13, 2008
June 28, 1985
December 25, 1993
September 26, 2003
March 15, 1945
May 23, 2006
July 05, 1991
June 01, 1988
April 14, 2006
July 01, 1975
February 09, 1990
April 07, 1995
March 16, 1971
May 25, 2012
November 25, 1973
June 28, 2017
April 19, 1996
October 19, 2016
March 13, 1969