In the 7th film of the "Crime Doctor" series based on the radio program, Dr. Robert Ordway is summoned to take attend a diabetic, and gives an injection of insulin taken from a bottle in the patient's pocket. The man dies and Ordway discovers that what he thought was insulin was really poison. Oops! Two other people are murdered before Ordway discovers who replaced the insulin with poison and what the motive was
Release Date: March 07, 1946
January 20, 1939
March 30, 1944
September 17, 1938
October 09, 1944
April 19, 1945
December 17, 1943
February 06, 1947
March 18, 1948
June 11, 1938
May 11, 2022
April 11, 1946
November 07, 1946
November 10, 1944
December 14, 1945
June 01, 1945
July 23, 1937
December 24, 1937
April 07, 1938
July 07, 1939
December 01, 1965