In the wake of The Death of Supermen, the world is still mourning the loss of the Man of Steel following his fatal battle with the monster Doomsday. However, no sooner as his body been laid to rest than do four new bearers of the Superman shield come forward to take on the mantle. The Last Son of Krypton, Superboy, Steel, and the Cyborg Superman all attempt to fill the vacuum left by the world's greatest champion. Meanwhile, Superman's death has also signaled to the universe that Earth is vulnerable. Can these new Supermen and the rest of the heroes prove them wrong?
Release Date: January 13, 2019
December 18, 2020
January 18, 2014
August 03, 2007
July 21, 2008
July 11, 2008
April 21, 2010
July 16, 2025
July 21, 1993
April 09, 2014
February 23, 2006
June 21, 1989
June 10, 2005
July 22, 2004
July 23, 1999
June 19, 1992
January 24, 2017
January 19, 2018
April 13, 2023
March 24, 2023
March 18, 2022