Based on the homonymous work of Dias Gomes , The Well Beloved tells the story of the mayor Paraguassu Odorico, whose primary goal in his administration in the city of Sucupira is the inauguration of a cemetery. One side is supported by the sisters Cajazeiras. On the other, he has to fight against strong opposition led by Vladmir, owner of rag city. For lack of a corpse, the mayor can never accomplish his goal. Not even the arrival of Ernesto - a dying man who does not die - and hiring Zeca Diabo, a bandit killer, provide him with the realization of his dream. Odorico gun situations for someone to die, but the first body to be buried in Sucupira may be the mayor himself, that the hunter becomes the hunted and goes from villain to martyr.
Release Date: July 23, 2010
December 31, 2023
September 09, 2016
August 14, 1998
July 03, 2002
March 25, 2004
October 07, 1959
May 18, 1987
August 30, 2000
December 07, 1982
October 06, 1961
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November 02, 2000
August 12, 1994
April 30, 2004
October 12, 1989
April 06, 2005
August 09, 2008
August 25, 2000
February 24, 2024
June 11, 1986