A Nietzschian parable on the fate of innocence, THE TRAP DOOR follows the mishaps of Jeremy (John Ahearn) as he is fired by his boss (Jenny Holzer), gets laughed out of court by Judge Gary Indiana, loses his girlfriend to sleazy Richard Prince, is hustled by prospective employer (Bill Rice) and mauled by predatory bird-women. Finally, he seeks the help of a shrink (the legendary Jack Smith) who turns out to be the most demented of all.
Release Date: September 01, 1980
November 02, 1984
April 04, 1986
November 01, 2004
September 01, 1982
January 01, 2008
January 01, 1985
January 01, 1981
August 09, 2020
February 01, 1981
November 19, 1996
August 06, 1988
November 27, 2022
April 09, 1984
April 13, 1980
January 01, 1981
January 01, 2017
August 01, 2010
May 04, 2007
April 30, 2014
May 10, 1965