Jimmy lives in the tranquil town of Eagle Rock, Louisiana, with his father, stepmother and his best friend Rainy, a German Shepherd. When Jimmy's father gets a promotion, the family must relocate to an apartment in New York City that has a strict no pet policy. Unwilling to let his master go without a fight, Rainy embarks on a cross-country journey to New York but navigating the Big Apple is just the beginning of his challenging adventure.
Release Date: August 19, 2010
December 12, 2008
April 05, 1995
November 19, 1923
July 29, 1994
October 28, 1921
June 23, 2006
May 27, 1993
September 30, 1994
April 02, 2008
September 13, 2016
December 24, 1981
December 12, 1985
June 06, 2014
April 28, 1989
February 16, 2000
February 11, 2005
Invalid Date
November 08, 1939
July 20, 1939
March 08, 1939