Wild Horses tells the story of Mills, an established LA photographer, who returns to her native Nevada following an urgent call from her grandmother informing her that a band of wild horses close to their hearts, faces government roundup. In this story, that spans just one day, cruelty, courage, love and memory collide as two generations of women bear witness to the brutality common to wild horse roundups in the American West. Mills is exposed to a complex issue and follows her heart, choosing to ignore the consequences.
Release Date: June 22, 2013
October 07, 2005
February 14, 2020
June 13, 1967
June 02, 1995
September 05, 1993
May 24, 1985
June 21, 1989
October 13, 1995
December 19, 1986
May 11, 1931
December 23, 2005
April 16, 1943
July 18, 2019
October 29, 1993
August 03, 1994
February 10, 1996
September 30, 1994
May 24, 2002
September 12, 2003
April 09, 1983