Comstock Films has created a unique film series that explores sexual relationships among couples. Each film focuses on one couple and begins with an intimate interview that sets up the background of the couple's relationship: how they met, the basis of their intimacy, what attracts them sexually to one another, and how they share their innermost desires and fantasies. The camera then turns to an intimate lovemaking session, recording in detail the passion and eroticism that exists between the two. Coverage is explicit, but not provocative; it allows viewers to share in the couple's healthy, passionate, romantic relationship and to experience first hand the erotic intimacy of their lovemaking. Damon and Hunter: Doing it Together features the first gay relationship in the series. Damon and Hunter are two adult film stars on the rise, but are also real-life lovers.
Release Date: October 21, 2006
February 07, 2009
June 28, 2021
August 17, 2013
April 26, 2019
November 09, 1996
February 28, 2019
July 16, 2005
June 16, 2023
August 11, 2016
January 06, 1998
April 08, 2021
June 25, 2014
June 15, 2009
June 13, 2019
January 29, 2014
January 01, 2009
February 15, 2021
November 17, 2023
July 06, 1997
May 29, 2001