While imprisoned, Tatsu encounters Danshi, a man who is a big honcho in the prison pecking order. After initial conflict they become sworn brothers. Tatsu and the sworn brothers he acquires weren’t really gangsters before their prison time, just ruffians. Prison, however, introduces them to plenty of gangland characters and three years later, they’re out of prison and enmeshed in the yakuza world.
Release Date: May 03, 1969
December 13, 2000
October 12, 2002
March 07, 1965
June 19, 1976
February 09, 1968
June 28, 1969
October 19, 1958
January 24, 1970
September 22, 1989
December 22, 2001
October 15, 2017
July 23, 1995
July 04, 2014
April 23, 1995
June 24, 1969
January 24, 2014
April 04, 2002
January 27, 2007
June 11, 1961
January 14, 1967