Tells a heart-rending saga of an orphan girl, whose body and soul are divided between her aged husband and a young forest officer she had fallen in love with. Being the wife of the old Choudhari has she any right to expect love from another man forms the crux of the story.
Release Date: January 01, 1973
August 17, 1925
April 05, 1925
June 24, 1918
October 15, 1922
February 03, 1924
January 04, 1930
October 05, 1924
February 01, 1933
March 04, 1918
February 10, 1918
February 20, 1929
December 13, 1923
November 01, 1914
July 03, 1916
January 28, 1915
April 19, 1915
June 14, 1915
August 03, 1923
February 01, 1920
January 01, 1921