Cosmoball is a mesmerizing intergalactic game of future played between humans and aliens at the giant extraterrestrial ship hovering in the sky over Earth. A young man with enormous power of an unknown nature joins the team of hot-headed superheroes in exchange for a cure for his mother’s deadly illness. The Four from Earth will fight not only to defend the honor of their home planet in the spectacular game, but to face the unprecedented threat to the Galaxy and embrace their own destiny.
Release Date: August 27, 2020
February 14, 2017
December 01, 2014
July 07, 1962
November 02, 1915
March 16, 2017
January 01, 2000
March 18, 1969
April 23, 2009
July 04, 1956
June 05, 2009
January 08, 2008
October 11, 2005
March 11, 1944
November 18, 2009
December 10, 1993
August 09, 1985
December 02, 2016
December 18, 2020
March 18, 2017
March 18, 2017