The film tells the story of Chinese guerrillas fighting for the Allied cause in Burma during Early in World War II, Chungking schoolteacher Lin Yang is recruited to help with the dangerous mission of protecting the Allied supply line from Burma into China. In spite of the danger involved, her determination to help is strengthened when one of her young students is killed in a Japanese air raid. Some time later, she is part of a group of Allied representatives departing from Lashio, on a bus traveling the Burma Road back to China. A bridge outage forces them to spend the night in a monastery along the way, and during the night they watch in horror as a supply convoy of trucks is bombed by Japanese planes. The timing and accuracy of the raid brings them to realize that either one of their group, or perhaps the priest in the monastery, is really an enemy agent
Release Date: June 05, 1942
April 01, 2014
May 01, 1996
October 31, 2016
April 13, 2000
April 15, 2023
February 06, 2009
November 09, 1990
January 15, 2011
June 10, 2001
June 12, 1986
April 05, 1937
July 25, 2005
May 02, 1996
June 16, 1977
October 10, 1933
April 25, 1945
August 17, 2001
May 16, 2009
September 18, 1987
January 31, 1954