In Depression-era New England, a miserly businessman named Benedict Slade receives a long-overdue attitude adjustment one Christmas Eve when he is visited by three ghostly figures who resemble three of the people whose possessions Slade had seized to collect on unpaid loans. Assuming the roles of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future from Charles Dickens' classic story, the three apparitions force Slade to face the consequences of his skinflint ways, and he becomes a caring, generous, amiable man.
Release Date: December 16, 1979
November 17, 2013
June 21, 1960
March 17, 2006
March 15, 1933
April 26, 2002
July 13, 1990
December 12, 2005
December 07, 2012
November 23, 2013
February 11, 1993
May 18, 2019
October 31, 2020
October 24, 2020
November 29, 2020
October 25, 2020
October 25, 2020
December 13, 2020
October 24, 2020
December 04, 2020
February 01, 2018