The protagonist of the film is the Bat living in an old mill and fighting rats and crows. It’s the war fought by disproportioned forces, where the battle is won by cleverness, skill and cunning. Somewhere outside the mill another war is fought.
Release Date: December 09, 1987
December 30, 2021
January 01, 2012
January 01, 2003
May 24, 1995
March 08, 2013
April 07, 2013
November 15, 1947
March 19, 1948
January 23, 1948
July 09, 1948
February 06, 1948
September 13, 2020
January 01, 2004
January 01, 1968
January 01, 2014
June 06, 2014
August 12, 2008
September 01, 1966
January 01, 1953
May 08, 2015