Paul Dorgères, a wealthy industrialist, has been mysteriously murdered. The investigation is entrusted to the experienced Chief Inspector Bonnardel and his young rookie assistant, Inspector Richard. Suspicion turns to his mistress Catherine Villard, with whom he had just broken up on the night of the crime. She is soon arrested and charged. However, Inspector Richard discovers a button at the scene of the crime which could help him to trace the trail and confound the culprit(s).
Release Date: June 11, 1952
March 08, 1996
October 13, 1995
February 26, 2016
March 16, 1960
December 16, 1959
July 27, 2006
May 18, 1987
May 06, 2015
July 29, 1998
February 04, 1993
October 17, 2007
December 03, 1982
February 12, 1988
June 28, 2005
July 27, 2006
January 16, 1998
March 12, 1999
December 22, 1994
March 09, 2007
March 09, 2006