Follows a crew as they work under a deadline set by their boss to complete the demolition of a building. Touches on the lives of several of the crew in their lives away from the job and shows rhe comraderie of the crew in their work and even away from work.
Release Date: November 07, 1942
December 18, 1991
June 12, 1942
July 01, 1928
March 14, 1973
June 30, 2007
March 28, 2007
August 16, 1996
June 11, 1994
September 23, 2021
April 19, 2003
January 03, 1993
April 11, 2009
November 15, 1932
November 12, 1917
October 15, 2021
August 30, 1940
November 28, 1920
October 28, 1956
March 25, 1981
August 16, 1939