The military anti-terrorist army takes control of "Chuspi", an unknown and faraway small village, isolated by the terrorist group "Sendero Luminoso" (Shining Path). A soldier called Vitin Luna, and other young soldiers face an invisible, perhaps superior force. Their unit is commanded by a brutal lieutenant who declares the entire village guilty of treason. In the face of this crisis, Vitin must choose between blind obedience and his own conscience.
Release Date: December 08, 1988
October 13, 1995
May 23, 1984
March 01, 2006
December 29, 1995
September 19, 1951
June 27, 1997
January 19, 1996
September 12, 1990
March 15, 2002
February 14, 1997
July 01, 1998
July 01, 1959
March 12, 1999
July 28, 2017
April 30, 1989
December 10, 2021
July 22, 1997
December 15, 1989
January 20, 2006
February 12, 2005