The story revolves around (Llbb), who lives quietly in a popular neighborhood, and wins from his restaurant, goes to the village of Luzah (daughter of the teacher) Radwan, comes to the neighborhood a fierce man, named (Samson) (Sambson), a good man. Unlike Samson, who is rich and powerful and lives in a palace, the weak young man (Samson) defies his strong rival. The heart of his sweetheart (Loza) begins, and the battle begins between them through the seven tricks. Samson uses his muscles and not his thought. But the father of Luzah supports Samson in anticipation of his wealth.
Release Date: April 17, 1952
January 19, 2014
January 01, 1967
August 06, 2003
July 26, 2000
March 23, 1934
April 14, 2016
August 07, 2002
June 05, 2019
January 23, 2008
January 01, 1968
August 31, 2017
June 28, 2004
December 23, 1991
June 25, 2017
December 24, 2019
August 22, 2019
June 04, 2019
November 24, 2003
January 02, 1955
June 25, 2017