A film director faces a complex situation in the production of his new film: Laerte, the protagonist of the story, begins to renegade her former characters, the Pirates of the Tietê. Lost in this situation and determined to be faithful to his whims after seeing the approach of death, the director decides to tell his drama mixing his persona with the story, creating a chaotic labyrinth between fiction and real life.
Release Date: August 17, 2018
December 20, 1996
May 26, 2001
June 11, 2003
November 29, 1990
December 31, 1979
July 17, 2004
November 18, 2008
February 15, 2024
June 12, 2008
September 01, 2001
August 07, 1981
October 14, 1978
December 28, 1954
October 24, 1986
April 01, 2004
February 28, 1998
September 15, 2016
April 02, 2004
April 17, 2004