In this musical comedy, a young singer becomes so desperate to appear on Broadway that she goes to a prominent producer and tells him that she is the daughter who resulted from his day-long marriage to a young woman he knew years ago. The producer is delighted and soon puts his daughter up on stage. The trouble begins when the girl's "mother" suddenly pays a call. For her own reasons, the woman decides to play along with the girl's ruse. Fortunately, by the story's end, the truth is revealed, all differences are reconciled and happiness ensues.
Release Date: September 28, 1945
August 28, 1936
July 19, 2004
December 31, 2016
June 05, 1936
April 20, 1940
December 21, 1987
June 06, 1990
April 09, 1986
November 18, 2022
January 01, 2006
July 30, 2004
March 29, 2006
June 27, 1984
August 22, 1987
February 05, 1935
August 17, 2007
June 19, 1962
December 02, 2005
October 30, 1997
January 31, 2007