The story of the film revolves around the epic of Sheikh Bouamama, a leader of the national resistance in Algeria during the French colonial era. The events are taking place in southwestern Algeria. The film also tells about different stages of the resistance, especially about one of the uprisings of the Algerian people, namely "the battle of the sons of Sidi Sheikh Bouamama", in which French General Leuti was appointed to try to suppress and end this resistance.
Release Date: January 07, 1985
May 24, 1985
November 21, 1988
December 17, 1986
October 24, 1998
October 27, 1999
January 17, 1998
September 09, 2006
May 20, 2008
November 30, 1979
September 23, 1988
August 01, 1985
September 02, 2013
September 10, 1980
April 04, 2001
January 01, 1990
March 12, 1998
April 05, 1978
September 25, 1998
June 28, 1978
May 01, 2000