This Surrealist film, with a title referencing the Communist Manifesto, strings together short incidents based on the life of director Luis Buñuel. Presented as chance encounters, these loosely related, intersecting situations, all without a consistent protagonist, reach from the 19th century to the 1970s. Touching briefly on subjects such as execution, pedophilia, incest, and sex, the film features an array of characters, including a sick father and incompetent police officers.
Release Date: September 10, 1974
April 02, 1993
April 27, 1979
October 18, 1930
May 01, 2014
March 19, 2024
February 22, 2005
December 21, 1988
May 13, 1995
November 21, 2023
September 11, 2019
October 28, 1999
February 05, 1935
July 05, 1991
June 24, 1977
February 15, 2006
November 11, 1993
February 20, 2004
June 16, 2006
May 29, 1997
October 05, 2001