The eighth installment in the popular film series starring Tomisaburo Wakayama. Embarrassed by the chairman of the Seiyu-kai for not having a family crest, Seikichi Shimamura sets out with his henchmen on a journey to acquire the crest of a local bankrupt family. The local Iwahashi clan and the fishermen fought over the construction of the industrial complex, but when Seikichi learned that the Seiyu-kai was behind the Iwahashi clan, he sided with the fishermen...
Release Date: July 03, 1972
November 10, 2000
September 18, 1968
November 18, 2018
November 25, 1958
June 22, 2002
October 15, 2017
October 19, 1958
April 23, 1995
April 04, 2002
February 13, 1999
July 11, 2003
November 25, 2012
December 22, 2001
June 19, 1976
June 24, 1969
January 24, 2014
December 02, 2000
October 22, 1966
August 23, 1991
August 26, 1983